It is very important for your voices to be heard.  Too often politicians claim that they do not hear opposing views and go forward with bills and laws because they believe that is what everyone wants.  Unfortunately, "what everyone wants" is based on lobbyists who are the loudest.  Complacency is interpreted as agreement.  Speak up and let them know you do not agree.

If you live in one of the 5 boroughs of New York City and want to know which leaders directly represent you at the city, state and federal level in just one click, visit CMAP, sponsored by the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)

If you live anywhere else in New York and want to know which leaders directly represent you at the local, state and federal level in just one click, visit Congress.org, where it also allows you to email your leaders at the same time.  Just enter your zip code where it asks and click GO and you'll be on your way!

Send a message direct to Mayor Michael Bloomberg:  http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/mail/html/mayor.html

Or you can write to:   Mayor Michael Bloomberg
                                             City Hall
                                  New York, N.Y.  10007

                                 Phone:  (212) 788-9600
                                 FAX:   (212) 788-7476

Send a message direct to Governor George Pataki at:  Go to form at

For those wishing to contact leaders on the Federal level or in other states can visit GovSpot

The Official New York City Web Site:  The link listed below will take you to New York City government offices which enables you to reach any or all elected officials in the City of New York.



The New York City Council:  The link listed below will take you directly to the New York City Council page.  Your council members are directly responsible for creating and voting on city legislation that affects you.


If you aren't interested in reading about any Council news or events you can go directly to their contact list:




New York State Assembly:  The link listed below will take you to the New York State Assembly Member Directory:


New York State Senate:  The link listed below will take you to the New York State Senate Home Page.  Click on Senators and you will be directed to their contact information:

