Conflicts In Science
Society puts tremendous faith in government research groups and in 
scientific studies. You read all sorts of warnings about what you eat, 
drink and breath that these researchers have concluded may be hazardous to your health.  This works in reverse also.  You may have heard about positive effects on your health from ingesting certain items. You discuss these findings with family, friends and coworkers and possibly go as far as to modify your lifestyle based on these findings. 

But have you ever noticed that what you were warned against one day will turn up again on another day although with a different conclusion?   You are left wondering if there is any credence to the health warnings or health benefits after reading a conflicting report but likely to live by the credo, "Better safe than sorry." 

Considering the exhorbitant amount of studies released each year, including those that are in direct opposition to each other, it is suggested that you take into consideration that government research groups and private organizations depend on funding to continue in their positions. 

With this in mind, we present you with conflicting research that you may have missed hearing about.  All considered, "Better safe than sorry," when taking into account studies that lack hard evidence is really living your life based on a researcher dependent upon a paycheck. 


Preliminary report 
By Rosalind B. Marimont 

      For years the anti-tobacco crusaders, from Drs. Koop and Kessler to President Clinton, have claimed that "cigarette smoking is the greatest cause of preventable or premature deaths, causing 400,000 deaths a year, a number greater than auto accidents, homicide, suicide, and various other causes of death combined."  [Click on Title to View Full Report] 

In short, using the oft spoken, but extremely hypothetical, number of "deaths related to smoking" of 400, 000 consider this:

    Almost 255,000 of the smoking-related deaths – nearly 60 percent of 
    the total – occurred at age 70 or above. More than 192,000 deaths – 
    nearly 45 percent of the total – occurred at age 75 or higher. And 
    roughly 72,000 deaths – almost 17 percent of the total – occurred at 
    the age of 85 or above.


Click HERE to read the answer.

Or how about the anti-smoking ads telling everyone
tobacco is the only product that kills one in three people?

Provocative article unmasking the reality behind that claim
Cigs and Figs
How do you count dead smokers?

An actual study that cannot explain lung cancer incidents in connection with smoking.  This bolsters the suspicion surrounding their smoker body count.
 Study to eye high lung cancer rate in S.I.

Disturbed by dramatically high rates of lung cancer on Staten Island, the city has funded a $695,000 study to try to find out why the disease is so prevalent there. They go on to report that the incidence of lung cancer on Staten Island is 40% higher than the rest of NYC but that smoking cannot account for that increase.  Dr. Judith Jacobson, Columbia University, said that it is generally assumed that most lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. "However, I can't tell you why the rates are so high on the island and what's going on," she said.

Generally assumed?! Therein lies the case we make that although we agree smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer the number of lung cancer incidents and deaths they attribute to smoking is inflated in order to weight the smoke-free society propaganda that leads to money-wasting anti-smoking programs that could be better spent on finding cures for cancer.  It further leads to instrusive legislation "for our own goood" based on manipulated body counts by the anti-smoking crusaders. The S.I. findings support the fact that it's likely that a good number of the lung cancer incidents attributed to smoking may indeed be due to something else entirely and using their guestimate (floated as fact) of how many people are killed by tobacco to push for it's demonization and eradication is a fraud perpetrated upon the public at the expense of our freedom to choose our own vices.

Cancer Causers
New Report Removes 
Saccharin, Adds Smoke 

After 20 years NIEHS decides 
they've made a mistake - OOPS
Will smoke be removed in 20 yrs?

Related Article
Repeal of Saccharin Warning Label Leaves Consumer Group with Bitter Aftertaste

A group still argues that the weak cancer link produced in animals is enough evidence to keep the warning labels on packs of saccharin.

Sound familiar?

ACSH denounces this group's claim in ironic fashion if you're familiar with the bogus ETS claims.

Breast Cancer
Smoking / Secondhand Smoke

Health Hazard?
Involuntary Smoking Causes
Breast Cancer Too

Smoking Increases Risk of
Dying from Breast Cancer

Health Hoax?
Secondhand smoke not linked to 
breast cancer risk

Study Shows Smoking Lowers
Risks for Rare Breast Cancer

Most Breast Cancer May Be Inherited, Study Finds

Critique by Junk Science

Keep Smoking or Quit
What's The Difference?

Good News for Ex-Smokers

The Moment You Stop Smoking
Your Body Begins to Heal Itself
(Whoops, seems the site that posted this information has taken it down.  We wonder why?  We link to a blurb they still supply,  "What benefits do smokers get from quitting?"  followed by a disclaimer article)

Public Health Scientists Warn
About the Irreversible
Effects of Smoking

Long Time Ex-Smokers
A High Risk For Cancer

Heavy smokers who halve the number of cigarettes they have a day reduce their lung cancer risk

The Century of Science Scares

Eating Fruits, Veggies
Doesn't Prevent Colon Cancer

 Japanese Smokers
Defy Popular Opinion

Do not cause breast cancer

What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?

Our cholesterol levels have been declining, and we have been smoking less, and yet the incidence of heart disease has not declined as would be expected. ''That is very disconcerting,'' Willett says. ''It suggests that something else bad is happening.'' 

Docs Clear The Pill 
As Breast Cancer Culprit

But as noted in this report:

A 1996 analysis of 54 studies had concluded
that The Pill does seem to raise the breast-cancer risk, perhaps by about 25 percent. And a more recent study indicated oral contraceptives can at least triple the risk in women whoserelatives have had breast cancer.

What's most interesting about this is that the latest "acclaimed" study on secondhand smoke (IARC/WHO) and disease reads exactly like the '96 report on the pill, down to the number of studies reviewed and the percentage increase in risk. To compare, the IARC report can be just as wrong. 

Allergies to MSG May Not Exist 

Of course, this may have more to do with explaining personal hysteria, something that health fanatics have a tendancy toward, rather than science contradicting themselves.

Carcinogens on Campus
 A Third of College Students Continue
To Use Tobacco

Not so much an article about conflicting research but more of an example of how the anti-smokers operate.

"And a third of the current cigarette smokers said they do not smoke every day, indicating they are only casual users."

They will say whatever is necessary to combat goal failures no matter that it conflicts with their agenda.  If nicotine is as addictive as they screechingly claim how could they attribute a rise in college age smoking to "casual" use?


Sometimes you hear that smoking causes prostate cancer.  That is far from proven.  More often, researchers/doctors will partially defend this claim by explaining that while smoking does not cause prostate cancer, men who smoke will experience a faster progression of the disease once they have it: 

Prostate Cancer Awareness Program

Questions about Prostate Cancer

Then along comes another study that blows this theory out of the water:

Smoking and obesity in relation to the etiology and disease progression of
prostate cancer in Japan


We need not supply a link to a study that reports that secondhand smoke attributes to the suffering of asthmatics (or even causes asthma), especially in children,  because everybody knows that is the case... or is it...

Risk Factors for Acute Exacerbations of [Asthma] Symptoms, American Lung Association/American Thoracic Society International Conference: Passive cigarette smoke often has been thought to increase the risk of active asthma, but studies to date have not demonstrated this association convincingly.

Does Civilization Cause Asthma: Fernando Martinez, the director of respiratory sciences at the University of Arizona:"Like most people, I assumed tobacco smoke and pollution were the problem -- this was the politically correct way to think. But these factors turned out not to play a major role. In high-pollution areas, in low-pollution areas, among all ethnic groups, there was asthma. Clearly, something else was involved." 

And neither does smoking cause asthma in active smokers: Asthma is not caused by smoking.  (Canadian Lung Association)

Smoking in Pregnancy Ups Kids' Asthma Risk:  This increased risk appears to be related to smoking during pregnancy and not to tobacco exposure after birth.

Wheezing in Infants Linked to Bacterial Toxin:  Dust has long been the bane of meticulous housekeepers and now there is another reason to banish it from the home.

Smog may cause childhood asthma -
Pollution does more than bring on attacks, USC study finds:  In areas of smoggy air, children playing sports are three times more likely to develop asthma than those who don't actively exercise, while in regions of cleaner air, there is no such link between asthma and exercise.

Clean living may be tied to asthma:  Most people assume asthma results from air pollution or other dirt in the environment. But it may be caused by just the opposite. The latest research shows the cleaner the
environment, the more cases of asthma. It has to do with our immune systems.

Dust Exposure Reduces Allergy Risk in Kids:  Clean living isn't always a good thing for young children, researchers said.  A study of over 800 kids age 6 to 13 has found that the ones living in the dustiest environments were less likely to suffer from asthma and hay fever. 

Common Household Cleaners Can Trigger Asthma:  Many common household cleaners and appliances give off fumes, which can potentially increase the risk of developing asthma in children. Researchers found that levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are fumes that can be found in cleaning products, paint, furnishing, polishes, and room fresheners and found that levels of indoor VOCs one of which was benzene were significantly higher in the children with asthma. Researchers found a strong association between the use of fume-emitting heaters during the first year of life and lung problems in children aged 8-11.

Researchers Find Important Asthma GeneA single gene could account for as many as 40 percent of all asthma cases. "It's going to change the whole way we look at the disease."

Genes Have A Much Greater Role Than Environmental Factors In Asthma:  Genes are likely to have a much bigger role than environmental factors in asthma, suggests research on twins in the Archives of Disease in Childhood.The authors conclude that environmental factors such as family diet and air pollution are likely to be much less important than genetic make-up.

Asthma and Obesity Interlinked:  Over the past 20 years, childhood asthma and obesity have risen in tandem. Results of a study show that in US inner cities, obese children may have more trouble controlling their asthma compared with their thinner 
peers. [Also See Asthma Linked to Weight]

Asthma Associated With Weight Gain:
Serum cotinine level at baseline among nonsmokers (reflecting environmental tobacco smoke [ETS] exposure) was not significantly associated with asthma. 

Why are our children wheezing?: The number of pre-school children with wheezing disorders has doubled over the past 10 years. The rise in respiratory problems could not be linked to household risk factors such as passive smoking, gas cooking, pets or low parental education attainment because those factors declined over the period, the team reports.

Asthma Trigger: A child with asthma who lives in a family in which there is often conflict and tension may be more distressed by his asthma symptoms than a child who lives in a more stable family environment, according to an Australian study.

Does tobacco smoke prevent atopic disorders [allergy; asthma]?: The prevalence of allergic asthma and allergic
rhino-conjunctivitis decreased, in a dose-response manner (P = 0.03 and P = 0.004, respectively), with increasing exposure to tobacco smoke in the adult study population.

Smoking linked to reduced allergic sensitization:  Parental smoking during childhood and personal cigarette smoking in teenage and early adult life lowers the risk for allergic sensitization in those with a family history of atopy, according to the results of a study from New Zealand.

Writing in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Robert Hancox (University of Otago, Dunedin) and colleagues explain that "the findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the immune-suppressant effects of cigarette smoke protect against atopy."  "Our findings suggest that preventing allergic sensitization is not one of the [reasons to avoid cigarette smoke]."

Pets Can Aggravate Asthma:   Children with pet allergies were 24 times more likely to have asthma than those without. ``If you come from a family that has a history of allergies, you absolutely positively should not own a pet with kids at home."

Cats OK for the allergy sufferer: Research shows that kids with a dog or a cat in the house are less likely to develop asthma. New research shows having a pet can even be protective. It’s all part of the new “dirt is good for you” theory.

And here's a flip-flop within a flip-flop.
The cat did it!  No it didn't! Yes it did!

Study Upholds Link Between Cats And Kids' Asthma: While the majority of research in this area has found early exposure to cats to be an allergy risk, some recent studies have suggested the opposite--namely, that exposure helps infants develop a tolerance to cat allergens, thereby protecting them from allergies and asthma.

So they're not exactly positive about cats and asthma but there's no question that cigarette smoke is a culprit, right?  Puh-leeeze.

What we'd like to know is when are they going to accuse parents of child abuse if they bring a pet into the home, just like they accuse parents who smoke around their kids?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Smokers Lose Their Hearing

According to "Cigarette Smoking and Hearing Loss - The Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study" which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, June 1998, vol. 279:  Smokers are nearly 70 per cent more likely than non-smokers to suffer hearing loss.

What's That You Say?

According to an article in the November 2004 issue of The Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery:  Smoking not linked to hearing loss.

The Use of Alcohol

Here's conflicting information all neatly packaged in one study.  But the really scary part is the following:

These results, the authors suggest, call for a staged drinking policy that varies according to age, perhaps with no alcohol consumption during young adult years rising to moderate consumption towards the end of middle age.

According to the title of the story, Younger Than 55? Alcohol Risks
Outweigh Benefits, adults may soon be the target of alcohol consumption regulation.  Another example as to why the "do-gooders" must be stopped now.

How About Those Eggs?!


Such a short time ago all you heard was how bad eggs were, cholesterol filled and artery choking.  So accepted were those reports that eateries across the country began offering egg white only dishes on their menus.
Read the current recommendations from the American Heart Association (they've softened their position while still warning you about eating egg yolks)

Then along comes a reversal
on that prognosis.
Here is just one report that says so:
Don't call these "junk" foods

But wait!  Now there's a different hazard to eating egg yolks and the govt. feels the need to protect you from it.
Why Are Laws So Scrambled?


A study in the Journal of Epidemiology (May, 1992) was reported to show that people who have high blood levels of vitamin C live 6 years longer than those who have lower blood levels.


Gulping massive doses of vitamin C 
to fight off colds and the flu 
may increase your risk of cancer.




People who pop vitamins to protect against disease are just wasting their money, a new study claims. 

Researchers at the University of Oxford say those who take daily doses of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene get no extra protection against cancer, heart problems, strokes and
other conditions. 


American Heart Association states, 
"moderate coffee consumption doesn't seem to be harmful." 

Just one cup of coffee a day is enough to increase the risk of heart disease — and the first cup of the day is the most dangerous, according to researchers at the European Society of Cardiology in Stockholm. 

And it appears that the caffeine crowd is suffering from the same propaganda techniques as are the nicotine crowd:
Coffee and your health

The EPA Comes Clean on Asbestos
Federal officials stop chasing a phantom risk.

On Sept. 11, as with so many things, the EPA's world changed. Faced with a public health scare that could have sent thousands in
Manhattan fleeing the city or jamming hospitals, the EPA decided to cough up the truth about asbestos.


You've heard it before... smoking around infants may cause SIDS.  What you don't hear are the pleas by members of  SIDS organizations asking the anti-smoker groups to refrain from making that claim since it is far from proven and unnecessarily creates guilt among parents.

In that case it's only proper that we provide you with the contradictory evidence:

Cardiac gene identified as link to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
[Mayo Clinic, Nov. 13, 2001]

"A Mayo Clinic study published in the Nov. 14 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association has  identified a cardiac gene as a link to (SIDS)." 

"There will certainly be multiple reasons for SIDS discovered in the future," says Dr. Ackerman, a Mayo Clinic pediatric cardiologist. "Until advances related to the Human Genome Project, proving a cardiac electrical defect in SIDS has been difficult because there are no clues left at autopsy."

"Although the causes of SIDS may be many, most remain in the realm of theories."

Be aware though.  Note the headline.  At first glance you're led to believe they actually know this for sure.  That is, until you read further and discover they're not very sure at all.  Keep this in mind next time you see a headline blaring that secondhand smoke is killing infants.  The misleading headline tactic is the same and, as stated above, is only one of many THEORIES.

The Sun And Skin Cancer

Sun Lamps Double Risk of Cancer

According to a Dartmouth Medical School study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute strongly link the use of tanning lamps with skin cancer.  Tanning is the skin's response to the damaging ultraviolet ray given off by the lamps and and tanning beds. [2/17/02]

Sunlight prevents cancer, study says

Insufficient exposure to ultraviolet radiation may be an important risk factor for cancer in western Europe and North America, according to the author of a new study that directly contradicts official advice about sunlight. The paper estimates that in 2002 insufficient exposure to ultraviolet B among Americans will lead to about 85 000 additional cancers.

Advice to avoid sun should be lifted, 
say cancer experts

A reversal of official advice on the dangers of the sun was called for yesterday in what could lead to one of the biggest revisions of a health warning in decades.

The head of Britain's drive to cut soaring skin cancer rates said the advice to restrict sunbathing is "draconian and unnecessary" and should be lifted.

Sunlight may have beneficial influence 
on cancer

One study found that increased exposure to UV radiation through sunbathing and sunburns was associated with a decrease, rather than an increase, in the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Another study found increased UV exposure was also associated, although more weakly, with a decreased risk of Hodgkin lymphoma. 

Not Our Chips and Fries and Bread Too?!?

Link Seen Between Cooking, Cancer:
Frying, Baking Starches Creates 
A Carcinogen
Cancer Risk Found in French Fries, Bread


No Credible Evidence That Acrylamide In Foods Poses Human Cancer Risk

Scientists associated with the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) find no compelling evidence that acrylamide, when consumed in foods such as French fries and bread, poses a risk of human cancer. 

 The Kids and Chemicals Scam
